
Our Mission

At Nakusp Hospice Society we aim to offer compassionate care, comfort and support to individuals facing terminal illness, end of life, and bereavement.

What is Hospice Care?

Hospice care, also known as palliative care, is a philosophy of care that focuses on patient comfort and quality of life, rather than curing the patient’s disease. When illness is no longer responsive to treatment aimed at cure, we offer palliative care, care aimed at making the recipient as comfortable as possible

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Our Values & Beliefs

We believe each individual is unique, to be valued, affirmed, and treated with dignity, respect and understanding. Individual choices will be respected to allow life to be lived fully until death occurs.

We believe that, although death is a time of sadness and separation, it is part of life’s journey that can be embraced with contentment, serenity and hope.

We believe those in the last state of living must be given quality care and support to meet their physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs, to enable them to die with peace and dignity.

We believe that pain and suffering encompass many emotions, and often result in the loss of autonomy (to accept that which we cannot change, so that each person is free to participate in life). We recognize that spiritual pain is individual and that each individual’s ability to cope must be respected and supported.

We believe that life is a precious and fragile journey of growth and development.

Our History

Nakusp Hospice Society was incorporated in December 1997 with a board of seven individuals and numerous volunteers and a hospice coordinator. Since then, Hospice has been active in the community providing compassionate care, comfort and support in the home, care homes, and hospital. The Nakusp Hospice Society is a member of the B.C. Hospice Palliative Care Association.

We offer End-of-Life support in the way of bedside vigils and friendly visits, “breather” time for family members, and grief and bereavement companionship. We can assist with advance care planning and have a lending resource library. All of our services are free of charge and confidential, and our volunteers go through a comprehensive training process.

There are two Hospice dedicated beds, one in the acute care section of Arrow Lakes Hospital, and the other in Minto House Extended Care unit. We are able to offer our support in your home as well.

For further information on Hospice, please contact Frances Ure at 778 700 3284

“You are not alone……asking for help can make a difficult road easier”

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Interested in becoming a Volunteer for Nakusp Hospice?

“volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart” ~Elizabeth Andrew
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May is Hospice Month

The first full week of May marks Hospice Palliative Care week in Canada. We would like to shine a light on the services the Nakusp Hospice Society offers and the volunteers who work closely

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